all about it

what is it? cuz i certainly dont know.

Friday, February 12, 2010


Fighting means to me a problem between some one and another person. I had fought before and I like to watch people beat the absolute crap out of other people. Especially when they were talking smack behind there back. Also the other way to fight would be if a friend of yours is getting picked on and you want to stick up for them. They end up punching you or getting in your face and aggrevating you. My favorite game right now is Call Of Duty2 Modern Warfare 2 for the Xbox 360. It's a fighting game where you are a soldier at war and you basically are out to go kill all the enemies in Afghanistan. Or at least thats where you start anyway. Then you travel between Russia and the U.S. and defend your men all over the world.

One thing fighting does is get everyone in trouble for the most part. It also can solve the problem some of the time. Other times it can just make things worse. If you beat some one up for talking crap about you, and after you beat them up they still say crap about you. They obviously think they are being cool when they are really being a pain in the rear. So what the smart thing to do would be either ignore it or tell some one about it and hopefully they will stop.

Off the top of my head i can't think of anyone that paints about fighting. Also no writers come to mind about fighting either.